Tuesday, January 29, 2008


So...today's workout was really fun in a completely terrible way. I decided to do a purely crossfit workout since I haven't done that in a while, and it was umm...well...not the easiest. Of course, I knew that going in. If you know anything about crossfit and have searched around the site at all, you'll have noticed that some of the workouts are named after fallen soldiers. Since a lot of military personnel use crossfit as their conditioning regimen, and since the crossfit community at large is extremely supportive of the troops regardless of politics, it's meant as sort of a tribute and as an occasional reminder of the sacrifices being made on this country's behalf. Well, fittingly, all of the fallen soldier workouts tend to have a bit of an extra "umph" to them difficulty-wise. So when performing "Joshie", let's just say that I knew what I was getting into.

The workout went as follows:

3 rounds for time of

21 pull-ups
21 right arm db snatches
21 pull-ups
21 left arm db snatches

Let me just say, wow. I am still a long way to go on being able to do high rep pull ups, so all of mine were performed as jumping pull ups. The snatches were performed with a 25# Dumbbell (I initially planned on using a 30#, but then told my ego to shut the hell up). Also, I broke it up so as to not burn out on any one exercise and have to take a long break. Each round went as follows:

7 PU
7 PU
7 PU
7 PU
7 PU
7 PU

So that's 42 pull-ups and 42 snatches per round for a grand total of
126 pull ups and 126 1-arm snatches. BAM! I gotta say, this isn't the type of workout that I need to be doing every single day, but it was a great one for cardio and muscular endurance. Also, it helped to have to concentrate on snatch form even through the exhaustion. Great workout, great mental toughness builder. Unfortunately, I forgot my stopwatch so I didn't time myself but just went as fast as possible. I'm guessing I was somewhere in the 20 minute range, but who knows...

Luckily, tomorrow is a day off so I can eat, ice, recharge and get ready for the next 3-day cycle. I sense some sprint form and passing work on the horizon for Thursday, but we'll see if the weather cooperates.

At any rate, I need to wake my snoring puppy up and get his butt out the door for his workout. I think I can probably handle a jog in the woods to get his energy out because I'm gonna need to bust my tail working for the rest of the day and probably into the night. I kind of skipped out yesterday so I need to double up my hours for today in order to earn le cash. Such is the life of procrastinator. Adios mis amigos...


Anonymous said...

AAwww1 Brutus looks cute. Even though he tried to eat me once.

Kentucky said...


Katy said...

i'm so glad you are back! i love reading about your weight room OCD and all your crazy workouts. I must say i do not do that with the weights, but i do that in other places...like other people's book cases. if i see a spine going the wrong way, i fix it.

Battered Barbie said...

Best of luck former UNI rugger!! I'm pretty sure we've played against each other...and I know damn well UNI rolled us ;) That's what you get when you get old...

Never tried the Crossfit route before, it might be what I need to get motivated in some preseason workouts :)


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