Thursday, January 31, 2008, first thing's first.

I was in a bad mood last night. I was cold, tired, lonely, and Brutus refused to cuddle. So I decided to write on my blog, and I was pretty negative. Reading over what I had written today made me feel a little bit blah. It was a pretty much a free-write of how I was feeling at the time and was certainly very honest. However, the various situations and relationships I was pertaining to are very complicated and not so cut and dry as last night's post would make it seem. Lost of people come in and out of our lives for various reasons. Usually when they leave, it makes me sad. Fair enough. However, sometimes things change and people just need time and space. There have been a lot of wonderful people in my life from whom I have drifted - I am not disposable and neither are they, it just...happens. In some instances, friendships have been rekindled and in others not. At any rate, that is not the point. The point is, I am at an interesting juncture in my life where a lot of my support channels have faded, my closest friends are all very, very far away, and I am struggling to figure out who I really am. That's a difficult question for all of us though, eh? We all have careers, and hobbies, and education and families and so forth that help to define us....but in the moments when all of that is stripped away, the silence can be deafening. I am learning though - and I want it to be a positive experience. That's why I erased last night's blog. Because, well, it wasn't positive and it wasn't going to help me toward any goals or self-betterment. It would only remind me of my failures and self-doubt.

Anyways, if you didn't read yesterday's blog then all of that makes no sense and you've probably got a big wtf look on your face right now. If you did read it, it probably still doesn't make a lot of sense, but at any rate, I feel better now. Okay....moving on.

Recently, I have been informed of my squat max inferiority. Thus, I am setting out to remedy such faults through a lot of strength focused workouts. Here is the assault I inflicted upon my legs today:

Back Squat: (reps x lbs)

5 x 95
4 x 115
3 x 135
2 x 155
1 x 165
1 x 175 (fail)
1 x 170 (fail)
1 x 155
2 x 145
3 x 145
4 x 135
5 x 135

3,3,3,3,2 (arms were shot from the other day)


Knees to Elbows:

This was the workout I planned to do and stop there...but then, I had more energy. Now, as an athlete I don't see a whole lot of point in doing bicep curls, they don't really accomplish much by themselves....however, I just felt like it. They make me feel good, like I'm strong or something dumb like I did them.

Bicep Curls
12 x 45
10 x 45
10 x 45

All in all, the workout was fairly enjoyable. Lifting heavy stuff makes me feel strong. However, at 155 on the squats I was feeling like a rock star, thought I might make it to 175 or even 180. luck there. I probably would have been able to get 170 had I went for it before the 165, but no dice. We'll find out next time I suppose.

In other news, since it appears I am going to be in the city of brotherly love for a while longer, I am looking into going back to school. Teaching seems to be the route I'm drifting in, so I'm gonna need to get certified and get a masters in ed and all that stuffs. Also, I'm dreading having to figure out which profs from undergrad to get recommendations from. I mean, will they even remember me? I have very good grades but it just seems like so many students come and go. Anyone have any experience with this?? I don't really even know where to start....oh well. More on this when I figure it out a little further....



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