Friday, June 29, 2007
So I'm finally back. About a month ago the world conspired to end my bloggerness for a while, but now I should be ready to spend some time back online. I have a new laptop (a mac, no less) that I can only hope will be more reliable than the PC's of my past....
In other news, I made the New Zealand tour!!!!! The invites came out just after the NASC tournament and I was lucky enough to be among those that got one. As for the tournament itself, things went okay I suppose. Although the Midwest weren't able to take back the title, losing to Marfu by 2 in the semis, we did come back to avenge last year's loss to the West and keep our place in tier one. Both games were great matches with a lot of hard hitting, fast rugby.
The week went by pretty fast, first with lots of practices (sometimes even three in a day!), and then the games...after that I was lucky enough to spend a couple crazy days with my friends Jill and Juanita bumming around Minneapolis. I don't want to go into all the details, but lets just say that over the course of one day, we went from talking to some crazy crack dealers on a bus to sitting in a $10,000 dollar massage chair on the 32nd floor of some high rise luxury apartments.....don't ask....
When I finally made it home alive (no small feat) it was time to pack things up and get ready for Philly!! It seems that I sort of underestimated the task because I waited until the very last moment to get everything together and actually get the process underway. Since my parents had decided that the trip from Kentucky to Iowa, Iowa to Philly, and Philly back to Kentucky was just too much, it suddenly became my job to pack everything I owned into my truck, and sell or toss everything that wouldn't fit. As it turns out, a lot of stuff didn't after many, many hours of tossing I finally had everything together and ready to go at 11pm on Saturday night. One disasterous hotel break, many rest stops, and what seems like a million hours later, I arrived in Philly at around 1:30am Monday morning....
Since then, I've settled in a bit. Everything still isn't unpacked and I'm a little overwhelmed with all that's on my plate at the moment. Life with 4 dogs and 2 people is a lot different from my previous 1 person 1 dog lifestyle. On top of that, I'm job searching, finishing online courses, fundraising for NZ, and of course, training. Somehow I'll make it all happen, but in the meantime I'll be here at the house of a thousand dogs trying to find my place in the big city....
i'm so glad you're back!
I now believe Philadelphia has more than half of the bloggers in the known world.
Yeah ... we may need to organize some rugby blogging ruckosphere summit in Pennsylvania ...
henceforth you will be known as KY!
- P+
Ha, too late - I've already embraced the KY name ;)
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