Tuesday, September 23, 2008

So. As it turns out, rugby doesn't pay money, it actually COSTS money.

I know, shocking right?

Also, I am told that regardless of money issues, it's not healthy to have only one hobby/focus/obsession in life. But then again, I think that's basically the nature of obsession, that it is obsessive, so really how could you have more than one? And if you did, wouldn't that get exhausting, to be obsessed with a number of obsessions? Anyways....I digress...

As it stands today I have a job that pays the bills because my parents are nice enough to give it to me. It means that I can set my own training times and sit my 'tocks on the couch all day punching numbers into a database, and indulge myself in the Michael Phelps diet. Sounds great, eh? Great except that 99.999% of the time I feel completely worthless. As such, I am prompted to ask myself - what do I want to do?

What things to do I like? What am I good at? What would I like to be? Where would I like to go? How do I picture myself in 5 years? yada yada yada...

Problem is, I have pretty much zero answers for any of these questions. For instance, what do I like......ummm, rugby? being outdoors? my dog?

What am I good at? In the past I would probably have answered that I have a mean scrumhalf pass, but these days I am told that even that is only middle of the road so...there ya go. I am also an excellent bullshitter, but only on paper, and have a talent for writing precocious literary critiques on books which I have not actually read, do not actually like, and could not care less about. Let's just say my "talents" don't lend themselves to many careers.

And the rest of the questions??? What would I like to be? no idea....Where would I like to go?? Anywhere but wherever I am seems to be the answer most of the time. And how do I picture myself in 5 years??? Wow...uh...sitting on my couch...still asking these questions, actually. How depressing........

No idea where this post is going except to say that I would like to know where I am going and if anyone knows how to f'ing get there. How does anyone decide what they want to do? Are there people who are seriously interested in the classes they take? Does anyone really enjoy their job?? Are some people actually happy???

These are the things I must know....because my answers are slightly miserable...


Katy said...

you might try temping. i did that for awhile when i was first out of school. and i kind of view my first real job as a temp job since i only stayed there ten months. you get to move to really different assignments and you might be surprised! like i got this gig tutoring laid off factory workers when they needed to write resumes. it was VERY interesting.

John Birch said...

Agree on that Katy. The ablity to bullshit convincingly about something you actually know damn all about is a valuable one. Try supply (substitute) teaching, for instance - I spent all Monday teaching music, a subject about which I know zero. But £25 ($40?) per hour - can't knock it.

Failing that, try politics. Looks like there's shedloads of cash in that. Save the world by making rugby compulsory in all schools.

Lee Knight said...

Great post!

I totally identify with it - maybe bc I'm a scrumhalf who loves crossfit and had similar questions a little while back. After the 2006 World Cup, I was in limbo. I had accomplished something special, but what was next and what did the rest of my life look like?

What did I want in the short-term and long-term? What did I really want to do professionally and personally?

It was tough to go through these questions alone, and after banging my own head against the wall and reading a lot of self-help books, I knew I wanted to help others with this process.

With my corporate background in strategic planning, I became a professional career coach to help people plan strategies for their own lives, clarifying their 1-3 yr plan and taking action.

I now do it full-time and love it. I've helped a number of clients figure out their next personal and professional step to finally answer the types of questions you blogged about.

Check out www.overachievercoach.com or email me at leeknight@overachievercoach.com for more info!


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